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Trapped in Scuba Gear, Part 3, Chapter 3

There wasn't anything that Tom was required to do for the rest of the day, or the day after that. "Hotel TV and room service. This isn't too bad, but I miss playing Modern Seal Team Strike." thought Tom to himself.


The morning after that, he was woken up by a call on the hotel phone,


"Hi, it's Mr. Dreidger" said the voice on the other end.


"Ah, hello." said Tom.


"First, your request for your computer has been approved so you can play your game, with the restriction that your usage will be monitored, and your internet access logged."


"Ok, I'll accept that." said Tom politely, but he was pretty ecstatic about having his computer again.


"Second, you have an appointment with Dr. Conrad this afternoon about your 'condition'." Said Mr. Dreidger.


"Ah ok. So like am I going somewhere?" asked Tom.


"No, he's coming to he hotel; he'll call you when he's ready." said Mr Dreidger


"Ah. Ok." said Tom.


"So be ready when he calls. If he says you're healthy enough, you'll start your training course. Any questions?" Asked Mr Dreidger.


"I have one: Are there other people here with a suit like mine?" asked Tom.


"You mean at the class? No. It's a one to one class." Mr Dreidger chose his next words; "But if you're asking in general; It's on a need-to-know basis what other projects are being done here, and whether there's suits like yours at other locations, but I can tell you that you are the only one with a suit like yours at this location."


"Oh, yeah that does answer my question." said Tom.


"Good to clear that up. Goodbye." said Mr. Dreidger.


"Bye." said Tom as he hung up.


Tom thought about the new information. Assuming it was true, he was a bit disappointed that he wasn't going to meet someone in a similar suit, but could still be a possibility that there's others like him at a different location.




Later in the afternoon, as promised, Dr Conrad did call and tell Tom which room to go to. He went to the room. It was an office, but not very customized nor with a lot of supplies. Like the kind that would be rented to a travelling businessperson. 


"Good. You here." Said Dr. Conrad. He was sitting on a chair at a conference desk, with a laptop in front of him.


Dr. Conrad looked old. Like should have retired long ago, old.


"So should I sit, or what?" asked Tom.


"Yes, do sit." said Dr Conrad.


Dr Conrad started typing at his laptop and said. "First, I turn off video. Doctor-patient confidentiality." There was no visible change in his visor interface, but Tom knew from looking at the manual that turning off the video transmission was something an administrator *could* do.


"Downloading system logs now."  Dr Conrad was clicking on more things on his laptop,  "While that's working, I see your suit. Stand up."



Dr Conrad started poking at the neoprene with his finger over the armpit, elbows, and knees, like he has checking potential problem areas. "Ok, take off shorts now."


Tom thought to himself about Dr. Conrad, "He's pretty confident with the laptop; he's probably pretty smart, he just has an accent I can't quite place."


"Yeah, ok, if I have to" said Tom and he pulled down the wetsuit shorts and revealed his rubberized penis sticking out.


"Should not look like that. In next version, I design solution." Said Dr Conrad.


"So you're not going to do anything about it now?" Asked Tom.


"It work ok?" Asked Dr Conrad.


"Well, yes" replied Tom.


"Then I don't need to make any change to you. I design something different in next version." Said Dr Conrad.


"So you're going to leave me like this?" asked Tom.


"On scale of 1 to 10, how much you like having penis?" asked Dr. Conrad like it was just another medical question.


"Um, 10" not believing he was being asked that.


"Well, can't do easy fix then." said Dr. Conrad "Your boss, he did not say I do anything specific, just that I look at thing."


"Ah, right" said Tom.



"Any other questions or issues?" asked Dr Conrad.


[Your suggestions for questions or actions might be included in the next chapter]

slinkysquirrel 17.02.2019 0 1588
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