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Trapped in Scuba Gear, Part 4, Chapter 2

As the days went by, Tom thought about Jerry. He wanted to share his interest in gear with someone else, but Mr. Dreidger had said there was no one else like Tom in the building.


"If I see Jerry by the pool, I'll start off with some subtle nonverbal cues and go from there." Tom thought to himself as he lay in his bed.


The next few times he saw Jerry at the pool, he gave a little smile, or a subtle wave at waist level. Jerry reciprocated. Jerry even gave a little wink. Tom couldn't give a visible wink back, but he did the thing where he touched his cheek with his shoulder and smiled. Tom was still wearing the wetsuit hood when he went to the pool, to cover up where the neoprene faded into his skin.


Finally one day, Tom decided to take things to the next level. The next time he saw Jerry at the pool, he made eye contact with Jerry, and did the sign where he held a loose fist over his crotch and moved it back and forth slightly. Even if someone was watching the visor feed, the sign would be outside its view. To Tom's excitement, Jerry gave a subtle nod and motioned with his head toward the pool.


Tom dove into the pool and swam toward the engine room replica at a regular pace as if nothing was different. He didn't even look back to see if Jerry was following. He reached the engine room replica as usual and got the "connection lost" message. He turned around and there was Jerry behind him. Jerry wouldn't know that the exact reason was to block the visor's video feed, he'd just be looking for some ordinary privacy.


Jerry opened his hand at crotch level and made a repeated squeezing motion and tilted his head to the side.


"Ah right, he's thinking about the hand over the crotch signal I gave him above, wondering if he understood correctly." though Tom to himself, "Ok then"


Tom moved closer to Jerry, nodded, and positioned his crotch near Jerry's hand. Jerry gave Tom's crotch a squeeze, then a rub. Tom gave the "One Second" hand signal, then pulled his wetsuit shorts to around his knees. Jerry didn't say anything as he physically couldn't, but the big cloud of bubbles escaping from Jerry's respirator said it all. Jerry touched Tom's neoprene-covered cock. Tom guided Jerry's hand to fully grip the cock.


Jerry's black and red drysuit just had a smooth crotch. Jerry guided Tom's hand to the bulge in the front of Jerry's drysuit. Tom nodded and started rubbing the bulge on Jerry's drysuit. Jerry started moving Tom's cock back and forth in his gloved hand. They used their free hands to pull their bodies next to each other so the fronts of their suits rubbed against each other. They rubbed each other's cocks for minutes as their free hands explored each other's rubber-covered bodies.


When they reached a lull, Jerry gave Tom the "Turn around" hand signal. Tom nodded and turned around. Jerry saw the zipper over Tom's butt crack and gave it a tug. It was a little hard to pull down so Tom helped with that. Jerry positioned his crotch in Tom's butt crack. Jerry still didn't have a hole in the front of his drysuit, but Tom could feel Jerry's penis in his butt crack, straining against the drysuit. Tom helped position it as best he could. Jerry's hand gripped Tom's neoprene-covered penis again and started massaging it. Tom's free hand reached behind to Jerry's butt and gave some rubbing and squeezes. Jerry began humping Tom's butt crack while massaging Tom's penis to rub one out. Tom was still squeezing Jerry's butt, in rhythm to the humping now.


Finally, Tom's penis released his load, dispersing into a white "cloud". Tom turned around and hugged Jerry, and they stayed like that for a couple minutes, still rubbing their crotches against each other a bit. Finally, Tom pointed to where his watch would be if he had one, and zipped up his crotch zipper, then pulled up his wetsuit shorts, and nodded to Jerry. Jerry gave a thumbs up, and Tom started toward the surface.


"I wonder if Jerry came inside his drysuit. He seemed to have fun either way." thought Tom to himself, "Oh wait a second, when he unzipped my crotch zipper, did he see where the neoprene fades into the skin? Ah, shit! I hope he's as discreet about that as the rest of it."


slinkysquirrel 14.03.2019 1 1618
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14.03.2019 (2190 days ago)
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