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Trapped in Scuba Gear, Part 2

Continued from Part 1

(this is in progress, and will be edited as more content is written)


Tom looked at his crotch and saw ... a neoprene coated erect penis. Tom crossed his arms over it to hide it from view.

Mr Dreidger finally spoke, "That should not have happened. I know the neoprene softens and retightens while in the water tank, but he would have had to have had an erection for the majority of the time in the tank for it to form like this ... but we can't rule out a technical glitch."

Tom was blushing bright red and just nodded at the last part.

Mr Dreidger turned to the shorter nurse and said "Could you go to the supply room and find something to cover that up?"

"Right away" replied the short one as he rushed out the door.

Mr Dreidger opened an app on his phone and looked over the information on his screen for a few minutes while Tom just tried the act casual covering up his neoprene dick. "Bonding looks good. Systems look good. I'll turn on the display in your visor. It's kind of like the Heads Up Display in the game you play, but instead of a mouse, you look at the option you want and blink. The more advanced options are still locked out, but you have the basics now. For instance, if you're wearing the mask, the system automatically chooses between rebreather and outside air, but if you know the quality of the outside air is bad, you can manually choose the closed system. Can you see this HUD now?"

"Yes I do. Yeah, just gonna check this out" replied Tom, kind of relieved to actually say something.

The short nurse returned.

"What did you find?" asked Mr Dreidger.

The short nurse replied ...

A. "Wetsuit shorts. They're like a wetsuit but just shorts."

B. "Cotton camo pants."

C. "A bulletproof vest with a groin protector."

D. "Plastic rainpants."

E. "Baggy nylon shorts."

F. "Nothing."


(your comments decide how the story goes)




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06.01.2019 (2257 days ago)
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