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Trapped in Goalie Gear, Part 1

Blair was checking his dating profile to see if anyone had responded to his ad. His ad said Straight White Male 21. One of him profile pictures had him in a Canucks jersey, just because he was a fan of the team.

Someone had replied to him: "Hey man, hot photo. I love hockey players. Do you play hockey?". He looked at the profile. He was in luck; it was a filled-out profile of a local girl. Things looked good to him. Only thing was, he didn't play hockey. He had taken an intro to hockey when it was a mandatory part of his school's physical education glass. So not wanting to take any chances, and figuring he could bluff his way if it came up, "Yep, I do play hockey" was his reply.

After some more back and forth communication, she suggested that they meet up to watch a local community hockey team at a local rink. "Wear your Canucks jersey so I can find you," she said.

He wasn't really into hockey that much that he wanted to watch a local team, but he wanted to meet her, so he agreed.

It was a local team, so there was just a small admission charged to come in.

He didn't see her, but he did get there early, so he had time to freshen up. The men's washroom said "out of order - use player's washroom". In the player's area was just 2 one-person washrooms. He entered, and there was a hockey goalie bag. "Someone just forgot it," he thought. He took a pee and washed his hands, but when he tried to leave the washroom, it was locked from the outside.

"What the?"

Then he noticed a camera in the corner of the ceiling.

Then a voice spoke from a speaker in the ceiling. It was impossibly deep, like it was digitally modified.

"Yes, you're a hot athletic looking guy, you'll do fine," the speaker said.

"What?" Blair blurted.

Blair checked the door. It was steel; no way he was forcing his way out. He pulled out his cell phone.

"You'll find that I am jamming your phone," the voice said.

"What do you want?" Blair asked

"Open the bag." the voice said

Blair unzipped it, and as he suspected, it was a full set of goalie gear.

"Now strip." the voice commanded

"What, no!" Blair objected.

"If you want to get out, you must obey me." the voice boomed.

"Well, I am stuck otherwise," thought Blair

He stripped down to his underwear.

"All of it." commanded the voice.

"I've gone this far" though Blair, and he took off his underwear

"Now put on the under layer from the bag," said the deep voice.

"Better than being naked, thought Blair," and he put on the under layer.

It was a two peice, black, shiny, stretchy spandex material, and it fit Blair nicely.

"Now put on the jock" commanded the voice.

"I'm not putting on someone else's jock," said Blair.

"Do you want out of here?" asked the voice "Besides, it's a new jock"

Blair put on the Goalie Jock. It had a hard cup inside, and other padding to protect the rest of the area it covered.

"Now put on the socks."

By that, the voice meant the hockey socks. It was cold, so Blair did it without objecting.

"Now put on the pants."

"You're not going to make me put this all on, and make me walk around with it on, are you? I'm expecting to meet a potential girlfriend soon."

"Silence! If you want out, you do what I say."

Blair put on the goalie pants. They were black, and very padded. Blair started to feel tougher wearing all these pads. Back in his intro to hockey class, they didn't have full equipment; only the goalie did, and he was never the goalie.

"Now the skates."

"Really?" Blair asked.

"Yes." the voice firmly told Blair.

Blair knew how to tie up skates. As he tied up the skates he kind of like the feel of the padding in his pants as they shifted over his spandex undersuit. He felt invincible at the same time it was smooth and comforting against his body.

"Now, leg pads." the voice told Blair, after Blair was done with the skates.

Blair pulled out the huge leg pads, and noticed something odd. There were padlocks hanging unlocked at the end of each legstrap. To fasten the leg pads, he would have to close the locks. There was no key apparent.

"Oh no I'm not" said Blair to the camera

"There's no other way out" said the voice.

"Well I'll just wait for help then. My future girlfriend... oh no, where is she?"

The voice laughed his impossibly deep laugh. "How many people do you think would have to be in on it to set this up? Do you still think your 'girlfriend' is real? Ha ha ha. Only way your getting out is wearing all that gear."

"For what?" asked Blair "Embarrassing photos?"

The voice got back to business. "Put on the leg pads."

Blair started putting on the leg pads.

The voice interrupted. "Uh uh uh. I saw that you didn't close that padlock all the way."

Blair resigned himself to putting them all properly closed. He supposed he could always cut them off if needed. Nothing sharp was in there though.

"Now put on the shoulder pads"

The shoulder pads covered his chest and stomach, and went all the way to protecting his elbows. Blair noticed that there were two more padlocks hanging off loops in each side of the shoulder pads. After putting the shoulder pads on, he realized that the locks could fit into matching loops in the goalie pants.

"Oh no." thought Blair

"Now lock your shoulder pads to you pants." The voice commanded.

Blair thought, "Well as long as I get out of here I can deal with all of this stuff later," as he locked his pants to the shoulder pads.

"Now put on the goalie jersey." said the voice.

The jersey was huge but it fit over the shoulder pads( and locks) nicely. Blair's mouth dropped when he saw that it had his acutal last name on it.

"Now the helmet."

Blair looked at the helmet. It looked like a typical goaltenders helmet, but Blair could see that there were some modifications. Usually the back plate was held in with elastic straps. This one had non-stretching nylon straps.

At the ends of the straps were what Blair recognized as one-way snaps. They could snap in without any tools, but because of the way the plastic was shaped, it would take a tool, and some force to make them undone.

Three of the five snaps were already done, so Blair could put his head in through the side of the helmet, but if he did up the snaps, he wouldn't be able to take it off without help.

"I see what you're doing" said Blair.

"Do you have a choice?" said the voice "Besides, it's a pretty stylish helmet"

"Well, might as well get this practical joke over with." Blair thought as he did up the one-way snaps. "Hmm, the chin cup is kind of tight."

"Now," the voice said, "the only way you're getting out is if you win!"

"Huh?" wondered Blair.

Suddenly, Blair could hear the hockey music over the main rink loudspeakers, even from his bathroom.

The voice then commanded, "Grab your gloves and stick, and you'll find the door is unlocked."

Blair grabbed the rest of the equipment, and opened the door. There were hockey players going down the same narrow hallway, wearing the same jersey.

He had to follow the players down the hallway. When Blair got to the turnoff where he could go back to the public area, it had been blocked off like someone had already considered that he would do that. Blair had no choice but to go onto the ice.

"Hey hey! I'm here against my will," Blair tried to shout to any audience member who would hear. But the chin cup was tight, and the music from the loudspeakers was too loud.

"So the only way out is to win. Alright, the other players are doing the work, I just have to stay in the net."

Needless to say, the game did not go well for them.

As the players were doing the end of game ceremony, Blair whispered to another player "Hey, I'm here against my will".

The other player, "LEWIS" his jersey read, said "Are you new here? We all are against our will."

"What!?" Blair exclaimed.

Blair made a break for it, trying to get to the public area of the rink. He felt a prick in his right shoulder. Blair reached to check what pricked him and realized there was a device in his shoulder pads.

The last thing he heard was "He's okay folks"


Blair woke up in what looked like a cheap hotel room, with one bed, still in the goalie gear. "LEWIS" was there too, in his player gear.

"Hey you're awake," the other player said.

"What's going on?" said Blair groggily.

"I'm Mike. Mike Lewis. All of us players have some sort of knock-out needle in our shoulderpads," Mike Lewis said.

"I mean like why are we hockey players?" asked Blair.

"I'm still not exactly sure. None of us have seen the people who captured us. I mean, they're probably in the audience in our games, but we don't know which ones the are or how many."

"But why hockey players? Why us?" Blair wondered.

"They probably make some money from admission, but that's probably not enough to make it worthwhile. Maybe they get off on it. Maybe it's some kind of experiment." Mike said.

"Why us though?"

"You're single right? And you play hockey?" led Mike.

"Yes I'm single," Blair hesitated, "Um yeahhhh, I play hockey."

"That's enough then," said Mike.

"So do we go home now?" asked Blair.

"Oh. Um. Well, sorry no." said Mike.

"What do you mean? Let me out!" Blair got out of bed despite his heavy goalie gear and tried to open the hotel room door. It was locked from the outside. Blair surveyed the room. Non-opening windows with a view to the side of another brick building. No hotel phone. Or even anything with the hotel's address. Was this even a hotel?

Blair took this opportunity to take a pee. He could move his layers of gear down or to the side enough to take a pee without taking his gear off.

"Dude I've been stuck in this situation for two years." Mike told Blair

"Two years! Doesn't anyone notice you're gone" asked Blair

"That's why they go after single guys without jobs." Mike said.

"What about your families?" asked Blair.

"I hadn't talked to what's left of my family for a few years before this." said Mike.

"OMG! The girl on the dating site did seem interested in my family, which I also haven't talked to lately." exclaimed Blair

Mike nodded knowingly.

"The voice said that you're free if you win. What happens when you do win?" asked Blair

"I don't know, we actually haven't won yet." sighed Mike.

"Well that's what we need to do, we need to win!" exclaimed Blair.

Needless to say, they did not win their next couple games either.


Blair woke up wearing clean goalie gear and with his bowels emptied.

"Yeah, that happens sometimes." said Mike.

"I don't even want to know." sighed Blair. "... you know, I wanted a girlfriend; but I am just so horny right now."

"Yeah, I know. There are no girls on this team, so you take what you can get, if you know what I mean." hinted Mike.

"Let's do this," said Blair, "Get on the bed!"

Mike lay on the bed. The two players could take off their skates and gloves, but everything else even their helmets was locked on.

Both of their dicks strained against their jocks as they rubbed their cupped dicks against each other.

They couldn't kiss through the bars of their helmets, but they touched tongues.

They put their hands down each other's pants and felt the hard dicks.

"Oh Blair, I want you inside me!" said Mike.

Mike showed Blair the zipper on the back of his hockey pants and Blair unzipped them. Blair pulled down Mike's underlayer as much as his hockey pants would allow.

A zipper in the back of hockey pants isn't a usual thing, but maybe their captors intended it for pooping. Or maybe their captors intended this to happen.

Mike got on his hands and knees. Blair slid down his pants as much as the locks would allow, and moved the underlayer and jock out of the way as best he could.

Blair stuck his dick through the hole in Mike's hockey pants and into his asshole. Mike moaned.

The two were locked in an embrace like that. Blair's cage knocking against the back of Mike's helmet. Shoulderpads cushioning them, and hockey pants swishing against each other.

After much helmet clattering and pants swishing, Blair climaxed inside Mike. Mike moaned a lot; he really liked it.

"You know," said Blair, "I though I was straight, but I don't think it matters under all that gear."

"Yeah, I thought I was straight too." said Mike "Alright, my turn."

***to be continued

slinkysquirrel 08.12.2018 2 3651
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  •  Radx26: 
    Having a method to empty bowels (and bladder) is the one thing I always need in my kidnapping fantasy...I'm so glad this kidnapper is very considerate XD

    I'd prefer the skates and gloves to also be locked on, though!
    1 point
  •  holy_dangerous: 
    This is pretty damn hot!
    0 points
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Burnaby, Canada
08.12.2018 (2285 days ago)
1 votes
Entertainment Blogs (40 posts)